Franz Goebel, copartner of W. Goebel Porzelanfabrik
in Oeslau near Coburg discovered a book with Hummel
motifs. It was love at first sight and led to a contract
with the artist in 1934.
The sculptors Reinhold
Unger (1880-1974) and Arthur Möller (1886-1972)
devoted all their energies to develop the three-dimensions
models for the later Hummel figurines from the two dimension
of the paintings.
The very first GI´s who came to Germany swapped
cigarettes and canned goods for Hummel figurines. Former
First Lady, Betty Ford, owns a cabinet full of them.
President Ronald Reagan received a gift of the Quartett
of Singers on hin visit to Bonn.
At the end of October,
2008 the production of the hummel figurines was put
from the company Goebel. In January, 2009 Jörg
Köster, managing companion of the Höchster
Porzellan Fabrik, together with private investors has
taken over the manufacture of the hummel figurines.
Under the company Manufaktur Rödental 2009 hummel
figurines are restored since the 9th of February in
the old rented production building in Rödental/Coburg.